Study Design Epidemiology
Systematic reviews
Cohort studies
Case-control studies
Randomized Controlled Trials
Quality improvement
Qualitative studies
Measures of central tendency
Measures of dispersion
Probability, measures of frequency
Hypothesis testing
Analysis of variance
Multivariable analysis
Measures of association (OR, RRs)
Sample size calculation
Diagnostic tests
Building a database
Hands-on statistical analysis
Graphs and charts
Career Development
Developing a research question
Researcher responsibilities and principles of ethical research
IRB regulatory standards
Writing and obtaining funding
Establishing collaborative research networks
Principles of adult learning
How to pitch your research and give a good research presentation
Publishing your research
How to be a good research mentor
CV development
Research project review
Classes are held virtually or in person once a week or once every other week (excluding national holidays). Computer access and attendance with ‘video on’ is required because the class requires extensive interaction, homework review, quizzes, and hands-on computer work. All slides, classwork, schedules, and attendance rosters are made available to the scholars through Zoom and this website. A copy of the lecture schedule is disseminated on the first day of class. Classes will start on September 10, 2025. Applications will open in January 2025.